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"Attending IP League at IP Bazzaar was an enriching experience. Impressed by the innovative ideas and quality of entrepreneurs showcased."

Sunil Goyal Sopra Steria

"Connecting investors with IP companies at IP Bazzaar was a fulfilling experience. I suggest holding such events twice a year."                                

Vinod Sood Hughes Systique

"Impressed by the innovations displayed at the event. A commendable platform connecting visionaries with promising ventures."

Mona Mathur Million Sparks Foundation

"Highly impressed by the quality IP-centered presentations. Kudos to the team for providing a platform where innovation meets excellence."

Ashish Jain The Startup Board

"The event was impeccably organized and executed, reflecting exceptional attention to detail.”                                                                       

Arun Agarwal Track Pack Innovation

"Extremely impressed by the discipline maintained by both presenters and organizers at IP League, ensuring everything ran on time."

Mukesh Malik Project GK

"Impressed by the innovation-led IP-based IP League at IP Bazzaar . Well done. ”                                                                                                        

Piyush Goyal Angel Bay

"Truly impressed by the hard work and involvement for their dedication and commitment to making the event a success .”

Smitiparna Satpathy TJ Tyres

"Impressed by the quality of inventors and their selection process for IP League.”                                                                                                                                

Anil Kumar Retd. Director (IPR) MSME

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