Nano-Vesicular Composition

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Technical Description
A novel lipidic nano-vesicular Hepatoprotective composition comprising a biocompatible natural lipid, cholesterol and/or biocompatible, nonirritant surfactants, Phyllanthus amarus and Cichorium intybus species extract and phytoconstituents Phyllanthin and esculin.
In addition, the lipid nano vesicular composition is encapsulated with extract/bioactives resulting into improved oral bioavailability up to ten fold with improves bio-efficacy and controlled delivery.
The available synthetic drugs to treat liver disorders in this condition also cause further damage to the liver. Hence, Herbal drugs have become increasingly popular and their use is wide-spread. Herbal medicines have been used in the treatment of liver diseases for a long time so the maintenance of a healthy liver is essential for the overall well being of an individual. Liver injury induced by toxins is more common nowadays. Herbal remedies are focused in the pharmaceutical industry to evolve a safe route for liver disorders.
Herbal Therapy and Prevention

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Stage of Developments
Experimentation complete and product can be developed.
Current Market
Liver is a vital organ that plays a major role in metabolism and excretion of xenobiotics from the body. Liver injury or liver dysfunction is a major health problem that challenges not only health care professionals but also the pharmaceutical industry and drug regulatory agencies. Liver cell injury caused by various toxic chemicals (certain anti-biotics, chemotherapeutic agents, carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ), thioacetamide (TAA) etc.), excessive alcohol consumption and microbes iswell-studied. The available synthetic drugs to treat liver disorders in this condition also cause further damage to the liver. Hence, herbal drugs have become increasingly popular and their use is wide spread. Herbal medicines have been used in the treatment of liver diseases for a long time.Anumber of herbal preparations are available in the market.
A large number of plants and formulations have been claimed to have hepato-protective activity. Nearly 160 phyto-constituents from 101 plants have been claimed to possess liver protecting activity. In India, more than 87 plants are used in 33 patented and proprietary multi ingredient plant formulations. In spite of the tremendous advances made, no significant and safe hepato-protective agents are available in modern therapeutics. (VenkateshP, 2011). ISSN: 2320 – 3471(Online).
Therefore, in view of the above market analysis, the present invention provides a hepatoprotective composition that has improved oral bioavailability up to ten fold with improves bio-efficacy and controlled delivery, making the drug safe for use and increasing the potential for commercialization.
Contact Person

Ms. Shruti Kaushik
IP Bazzaar Technology Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi-110024, India
Tel: [+91] 11-26360036;
Fax: [+91] 11-26360037;
Mobile: [+91]9810338816;