Cannabis Patent Landscape

The most amazing fact about the Mother Nature is that it has provided us with reasons for birth and reason for death of all its creations, and by way of this it maintains balance .Through advancing life, mankind is encountered with various challenging situations and e very time Nature provides us with a clue towards life .As we interact more with nature with our knowledge, we are striving more towards life and its challenges. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of most challenging neurodegenerative disorders and we are exploring the clue to encounter this through Nature itself.

It is an interesting fact that symptoms of Alzheimer and those of “the High” with Cannabis or Marijuana or Bhang or Ghanja are exactly in contrast with each other And, perhaps for the same reasons, Nature is providing mankind with a clue to cure the other Alzheimer causes difficulties with words, speaking or writing, planning or solving problems, familiar tasks become challenging to complete , misplacing things and being unable to retrace the steps, time and place confusion, difficulty understanding visual images and spatial relationship , loss of interest in work or social activities, poor judgement, mood or personalities changes etc. Cannabis, on the other hand, gives a feeling that can be categorized as happy or relaxed, euphoric, giggly, amused, creative, and makes more sensitive to light, color, sound, touch, and smell.

 Hence, Cannabis can be considered as one of the excellent natural supplements for an Alzheimer sufferer and proving to be most potent compound to manage the behavioral symptoms. Cannabis has been used in various cultures of world, especially in Asia for ages. In India, Cannabis, because of its medicinal, recreational and healing properties, is considered as a holy plant or a Prasad of Lord Shiva.

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Cannabis Patent Landscape


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